Classroom Activity Log: February, 2014




OBJECTIVES FOR TODAY: Students will learn about the Fifth and Sixth Amendments to the Bill of Rights.

STARTING TODAY: "Is Liking on Facebook protected by the First Amendment?" and A video clip that hopefully will have you shaking your head.

LECTURE FOR TODAY: The Fifth and Sixth Amendments- The Rights of the Accused.

OBLIGATIONS- Here are the assignments that are due to Mr. B.:

  1. Complete the Republican Response to the State of the Union Speech BLOG POSTING. Respond to at least TWO issues mentioned in the article, using complete sentences and proper grammar. I have exactly 18 posts regarding this Republican response, out of a total of 50 Seniors.
  2. The Create Your Own Case Study Project. This should have been completed and SHARED with Mr. B. To date, I have received four shared Case Studies.



OBJECTIVES FOR TODAY: Students will learn about the Sixth Amendment, the trial process and the "Right to Defense".

EXTENDED GROUP CASE STUDY TODAY: Sixth Amendment Group Case Study- Gideon v. Wainwright

Video Links:

OBLIGATIONS- Here are the assignments that are due to Mr. B. by Wednesday:

  1. Complete the Republican Response to the State of the Union Speech BLOG POSTING. Respond to at least TWO issues mentioned in the article, using complete sentences and proper grammar. I have exactly 32 posts regarding this Republican response, out of a total of 50 Seniors.
  2. The Create Your Own Case Study Project. This should have been completed and SHARED with Mr. B. To date, I have received eight shared Case Studies.



OBJECTIVES FOR TODAY: Students will learn about the Sixth Amendment, the trial process and the "Right to Defense".

EXTENDED GROUP CASE STUDY TODAY: Sixth Amendment Group Case Study- Gideon v. Wainwright: Parts 3 and 4.

Video Links:

OBLIGATIONS- Here are the assignments that are due to Mr. B. by 4:00 p.m. today:

  1. Republican Response to the State of the Union Speech BLOG POSTING.
  2. The Create Your Own Case Study Project..



OBJECTIVES FOR TODAY: Students will learn about the Sixth Amendment, the trial process and the "Right to Defense".

EXTENDED GROUP CASE STUDY TODAY: Sixth Amendment Group Case Study- Gideon v. Wainwright: Parts 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Video Links:



LECTURE TODAY: The Rights of the Accused, continued- The Seventh and Eighth Amendments.



OBJECTIVES FOR TODAY: Students will learn the statistics and facts regarding the 8th Amendment and the Death Penalty.

WORK DAY TODAY: The Capital Punishment Investigation Sheet. Due at the end of class on Wednesday- 100 point assignment. You will be using the "Death Penalty Fact Sheet" to complete this assignment. I expect to see ESSAY QUALITY WRITING on the case study, as well as evidence of deep thought regarding all other questions.

Mr. B. will be out tomorrow. Mr. Kirby will be the substitute and will be giving his famous United States Foreign Policy lecture.




LECTURE: United States Foreign Policy. This WILL be covered on the examination.

Should the lecture finish before the end of class, students will be expected to be working on the answers for their Capital Punishment Investigation Sheet from yesterday.



OBJECTIVES FOR TODAY: Students will learn the statistics and facts regarding the 8th Amendment and the Death Penalty.

WORK DAY TODAY: The Capital Punishment Investigation Sheet. Due at the end of class today- 100 point assignment. You will be using the "Death Penalty Fact Sheet" to complete this assignment. I expect to see ESSAY QUALITY WRITING on the case study, as well as evidence of deep thought regarding all other questions.



OBJECTIVES FOR TODAY: Students will learn the statistics and facts regarding the 8th Amendment and the Death Penalty.

STARTING TODAY: Complete The "Justice for All" Political Cartoon Thinking Sheet.


WORK DAY TODAY: The Capital Punishment Investigation Sheet. Due at the end of class today- 100 point assignment. You will be using the "Death Penalty Fact Sheet" to complete this assignment. I expect to see ESSAY QUALITY WRITING on the case study, as well as evidence of deep thought regarding all other questions.

CLASS DISCUSSION: At the end of class, I would like to discuss the Supreme Court ruling in Kennedy.

Link for Michelle: "Common Sense Zero Tolerance Act" BLOG Posting



OBJECTIVES FOR TODAY: Students will learn the statistics and facts regarding the 8th Amendment and the Death Penalty.

ALSO: Students that were absent yesterday- Please complete the PROM KING AND QUEEN NOMINEE QUESTIONAIRRE.

CLASS DISCUSSION AND WRITTEN RESPONSE: We will be looking at the Kennedy case more closely. Here are the necessary links-



No school today.



OBJECTIVES FOR TODAY: Students will understand the 9th, 10th and 14th Amendments.


LECTURE TODAY: The 9th, 10th and 14th Amendments.

14th Amendment Case Studies: We will be discussing two landmark cases regarding the 14th Amendment, the first being Plessy v. Ferguson. Review the cases in the links below and answer the questions, using complete sentences and proper grammar:



OBJECTIVES FOR TODAY: Students will analyze the Plessy v. Ferguson case to understand "Separate but Equal" and how this concept dominated black/white relations through the first half of the 20th century.


  • The Story of Malala Yousafzai: For those of you with Senioritis, who just can't bear the thought of having to endure three more months of your high school education.
  • The Story of Richie Parker: For those of you who think that you are being made to work too hard in your Spring Semester of high school.

WORK DAY- 14th Amendment Case Studies: We will be discussing two landmark cases regarding the 14th Amendment, the first being Plessy v. Ferguson. Review the cases in the links below and answer the questions, using complete sentences and proper grammar:



OBJECTIVES FOR TODAY: Students will analyze the Plessy v. Ferguson case to understand "Separate but Equal" and how this concept dominated black/white relations through the first half of the 20th century.

START OF CLASS GROUP ACTIVITY: Analysis of a Photograph. Mr. B. will provide the photographs and the analysis tool to each group. TAKE NOTES: Answer all of the questions in each category: OBSERVE, REFLECT and QUESTION within your group.

WORK DAY- 14th Amendment Case Studies: We will be discussing two landmark cases regarding the 14th Amendment, the first being Plessy v. Ferguson, DUE TODAY. Review the cases in the links below and answer the questions, using complete sentences and proper grammar:

Please complete the questions in PARTS ONE AND TWO (THREE) and submit in the first 30 minutes of class today. We will discuss PART THREE (FOUR) later.




OBJECTIVES FOR TODAY: Students will analyze the Mendez v. Westminster School District case, one of the very first cases that challenged the ruling of Plessy v. Ferguson and brought about an era of desegregated schools in the United States.

WORK DAY: 14th Amendment Case Study 2- Mendez v. Westminster School District (1946)

Here is the link to the NPR story regarding the case. Refer to it as needed to answer the questions of the Case Study.



OBJECTIVES FOR TODAY: Students will learn about the end of Plessy v. Ferguson through the integration of public schools and universities.


  1. Brown v. Board of Education- The Supreme Court Decides.
  2. Brown v. Board of Education- The Integration of Schools
  3. The Little Rock 9 on Oprah- Meeting their tormentors.
  4. Integrating 'Ole Miss: The Legacy of James Meredith.

WORK DAY: 14th Amendment Case Study 2- Mendez v. Westminster School District (1946)

Here is the link to the NPR story regarding the case. Refer to it as needed to answer the questions of the Case Study.

MINI-PROJECT: "Considering School Desegregation." Make sure to SHARE this document with Mr. Burkhard when you are done.



OBJECTIVES FOR TODAY: Students will learn about the end of Plessy v. Ferguson through the integration of public schools and universities.

WORK DAY: Here is your priority list-

  1. 14th Amendment Case Study 2- Mendez v. Westminster School District (1946)- Here is the link to the NPR story regarding the case. Refer to it as needed to answer the questions of the Case Study. This needs to be printed and submitted today.
  2. MINI-PROJECT: "Considering School Desegregation." Make sure to SHARE this document with Mr. Burkhard when you are done. I have the printouts of the essay regarding school segregation for reading, when you need it.


  • I am now accepting completed Permission Slips. These are due by tomorrow. This trip is part of the curriculum for this course and ineligible students will be going.
  • HERE IS THE STUDY GUIDE FOR THE EXAMINATION ON MONDAY. A hard copy was also distributed in class today.



OBJECTIVES FOR TODAY: Students will learn the basics of the system of government in the State of Colorado, in preparation for our Field Trip tomorrow.

LECTURE: "Colorado Government"

WORK DAY: If we have time-

  1. 14th Amendment Case Study 2- Mendez v. Westminster School District (1946)- Here is the link to the NPR story regarding the case. Refer to it as needed to answer the questions of the Case Study. This needs to be printed and submitted today.
  2. MINI-PROJECT: "Considering School Desegregation." Make sure to SHARE this document with Mr. Burkhard when you are done. I have the printouts of the essay regarding school segregation for reading, when you need it.
  3. Students will be expected to work on their STUDY GUIDE FOR THE EXAMINATION ON MONDAY.

THOSE WHO WILL NOT BE GOING ON THE FIELD TRIP TOMORROW: You must complete a Capitol Visit Makeup Assignment. This will be posted up tomorrow. It will be due by Monday, at the latest.



OBJECTIVES FOR TODAY: Students will visit the Capitol Building in Denver today.

FOR THOSE WHO ARE NOT ON THE FIELD TRIP: I have not been able to rebuild the assignment that you would have been required to complete. This being the case, you will not have an assignment for today. Expect something more later.



OBJECTIVES FOR TODAY: Students will reflect on educational segregation in the current day, as well as study for their upcoming examination..


  1. MINI-PROJECT: "Considering School Desegregation." Make sure to SHARE this document with Mr. Burkhard when you are done. I have the printouts of the essay regarding school segregation for reading, when you need it. This project is due TODAY!
  2. Students will also be expected to work on their STUDY GUIDE FOR THE EXAMINATION ON MONDAY. Please be aware that one sentence answers to the short response questions on the test will NOT be sufficient. I expect STRONG paragraph writing with logical arguments and supports for all questions! TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR EXTRA CREDIT ON THE EXAM: Students must handwrite EACH definition on the study guide and outline their arguments for EACH of the 12 possible test questions, then attach it to their test when submitting. Students will NOT be able to use their study guide on the test.