As a method of getting familiar with a number of required skills in Yearbook, we will be completing a one or two page design and layout in


Today, you will be creating a Practice Page that reports the facts and opinions regarding an event, such as you might see in a newspaper.  Staff will be using cameras, interviewing, writing, captioning and designing their page, with the assistance of veteran staff members and editors. The page will be created using all of the elements of a sample yearbook page.

BOOT CAMP: The completion of this assignment will coincide with new staff members attending our boot camp sessions regarding:

  1. basics.
  2. Interviewing.
  3. Photography.
  4. Final page creation and editing, using LAYOUT PRO.


We are about to start working on the development of our yearbook pages for our first deadline.  Many students appear to be unsure as to how to put pages together.  Although there are lots of resources to help show us the way, a little emulation exercise might be useful.  To that end, we will be copying the look of an award winning yearbook page design, using the layout of an award winning page and the colors, fonts, photographs and information of Highland High School.


We have a number of returning yearbook students in the Yearbook 2 class this year- Mary, Gabby, Jaedyn, Sawyer and Madison. In the Intro class, Mr. Burkhard will be able to help you, as needed. They will be working with first year (Intro) staff members to learn the basics of page creation in


PAGE ONE: You have TWO options for this project. This FIRST is the normal BOOTCAMP page. For 12 years, ALL new staff have completed this page. It is a tradition. If you just want to do the project, complete this page. Your page must look EXACTLY like the one below in every way. Same poses, same layout, same text styles, same stripes, everything!

PAGE TWO: If you would like to be a member of the Editorial staff, you will need to complete the page below, instead. It is much more involved and will be a lot more work. That is how things are when you are an editor. For this page, you will need to complete masks, add company logos, interview and photograph a teacher, discuss accessories, everything. The student(s) who do the best job on THIS PAGE will be offered a position as a PAGE EDITOR.

MAKING THE PAGE:  You will be creating a new Practice Page with your name on it (example: BURKHARD_BOOTCAMP).  You will start by putting together the elements of the page (including the poses of the people in the photographs!) that you have selected EXACTLY as it is shown above.  (Click on the image to bring up a larger version for details.)  You will be interviewing other staff members in the class regarding their "Fashion Style". You will also need to use your phone to photograph your subjects in poses and environments exactly like the ones shown in the original page.  In addition, make sure that you are ONLY USING the following page elements:

  • Use appropriate fonts for Headlines and Sub-Heads.
  • Use a smaller readable font for your body texts.
  • Your photos and layouts should look as close to exactly like the original as possible!
  • Photographs should be taken using camera phones or cameras of other staff or students/staff at the high school.
  • "Fashion" interview should be included, exactly as laid out in the model pages.
  • On PAGE TWO, you must also include MASKS, a TEACHER INTERVIEW, COMPANY LOGOS and an ACCESSORY story. You must also include such elements as the DROP SHADOWS under photos and text boxes. (NOTE: Although there is a spelling error on the model page, your page must NOT have any misspelled words!)

INSTRUCTORS: Make sure you cover ALL of the following yearbookavenue tools with your new staff member:

  • How to create and save PRACTICE PAGES.
  • How to create and color SHAPES on a page.
  • How to create a TEXT box and how to modify text size, color, etc.
  • How to create an IMAGE BOX, how to modify image shape, size, zoom, stroke, etc.
  • How to SPELLCHECK a page to catch any typos.
  • How to UPLOAD a photo. For this assignment, all photos will be put into the BOOTCAMP_PHOTOS photo folder on

You are also responsible for EDITING your new staff members page to be as close as possible to the original template. Check all layout elements, all stories, spellcheck, etc.

CREATING YOUR PAGE: Your page will be created in as a Practice Page. Mr. B. and/or Editors will grade your work.

DUE DATE: This assignment will be due at the end of class on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12TH.

GRADING: One or more members of the INTRO class will be moved to the role of PAGE EDITOR, depending upon their success on this project.