Media Productions Project 4- "The How-To Video"

Premise: We have been learning how to script, shoot video and use Vegas Movie Studio editing software. Now, students will put their planning and editing skills together to produce a video which demonstrates how to perform a small task. In addition, we will learn how to use Vegas Editing Software to do Voice Over work, laying down voice tracks over our video.

Each student will pick their "How-to Video" subject. The How-to Video should be at least 1-2 minutes long, but not longer than 2-3 minutes total. Think cooking show on TV, where the star demonstrates how to cook a meal. Your task should be at least 10 steps or so long. Here are some possible ideas, but you can think of your own.

Tying your shoes
Plugging a video camera into the computer.
Sending a Text Message.
Making an Origami Crane.
Fragging Zombies in your favorite video game.
Making a Peanut Butter Sandwich.
Eating an Oreo.
Brushing your teeth.
Executing an Ollie.
Folding a Flag.
Making a stinger out of a hairpin.
Peeling a banana.
How to straighten your hair.
Asking a girl out.
Making a sculpture out of a paperclip.

The Script: I do not care if your "How-to" video is serious or funny. However, you will have to plan out what you are going to say, what shots and angles you need and what props you will use. I want to see, at a minimum, the following:

  • An introductory shot, where you explain to the audience what you will be demonstrating and show the materials and props needed.
  • A series of close-up shots where you show the finer points of your process. Show the details! Consider using two different cameras for two different angles on the same shot.
  • A wrap-up, where you show the final product of your video.
  • Voice Overs, you will add a voice track to your video that explains your closeup shots of how to complete your task.

Filming and Sound: Once your outline of your plan for filming is complete, start shooting your footage for your video. You MUST film yourself for this project!  Try to shoot exactly what was listed in your script, including dialogue, etc. Do not worry about explaining what you are doing in your demonstration, you will be doing that with your voice-over.

If you would like to use some music in your how-to video, you can. If you include music, make sure that your music compliments the feel of your video, but does not overwhelm it.

Voiceovers: Once you have edited your video together, you will be using either a headset or your video camera to record the explanations in Voice over form. You do this in much the same way that you record music into Vegas, except you record into a microphone instead.

Editing: Once you have your editing and voiceovers complete, add your sound and music, as well as opening titles and closing graphics.

Saving and Submitting: Make sure to MAKE MOVIE and save a copy of the final version to the V: Drive DROPBOX, put your name on the final version.


I will be grading this as follows:
• 50 points for the quality of your script.
• 50 points proper filming of footage and inclusion of voiceovers that explain the process of your video.
• 50 points for your closing graphics, editing, credits and saving of your file in a proper fashion.