"Graphic Design: The "COOL SIGNATURE" COMMISSION Project

THE PROJECT: You have spent time working with shapes, fonts, colors and layouts so far this year. We have just landed our first COMMISSIONED WORK: The "Cool Signature" Project. The winning design for this project will receive $15.00, plus TIPS, if the customer is pleased. The project must be completed by the end of the day on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th.

Here are the SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS regarding the creation of the "COOL SIGNATURE":

  • Here is the email that I received from Mr. Molina regarding this project-

  • Hello Mr. Burkhard, 

  • I am looking for a student that can create a creative signature for my emails.  I got the idea from a CSU Track and Field Coach that I have been in contact with.  Basically, I want something that looks nice, not overly complicated, but creative.  

    The following information must be included:
    • Oscar Molina
    • Highland High School
    • Mathematics Teacher
    • Head Track and Field Coach
    • Assistant Basketball Coach
    The following could be included: 
    • The Highland "H"
    • Husky Motto: Do the Right Thing
    If a students is able to create something to my liking, I am willing to pay 15 dollars for their services.  If I find it to be amazing, I would gladly add a tip.  Here is a sample that may be helpful.

CREATION OF THE SIGNATURE: Please create this signature on a 900 x 300 pixel canvas in PHOTOSHOP. The customer can resize the image, as needed. You can use any colors, fonts, or graphics that you wish, but the customer indicates that he likes the plain H logo, seen at THIS LINK. He is willing to consider other HUSKY imagery, if you locate it, as long as the imagery looks good and is appropriate to Highland High School

I HIGHLY recommend that you SAVE YOUR FILE AS A .PSD, in addition to your saving as a .JPEG when you are complete. There is an excellent chance that the customer may want you to CHANGE your design. You will be able to do this easily if you have the .PSD file available!

USE OF FONTS: I think that it is likely that this customer will be impressed by a stylish FONT in this signature. To be honest, we do not have a ton of stylish FONTS to use on our systems. This being the case, please feel free to head over to my favorite FONT SITE- fontspace.com. You will be able to search for and DOWNLOAD fonts that you could use for this project. Save the downloaded font file to your SIGNATURE_PROJECT FOLDER. You will then need to email me at pburkhard@weldre9.k12.co.us with an attachement of your FONT FILE and your COMPUTER NUMBER. I will email Mr. Baker and ask him to install your new font on your computer. You will need to attached your font file and tell him your computer number to have him install your font.

SUBMISSION OF PRODUCT: Graphic Design students will have until MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th to complete this project and save your file as a .JPEG to the COOL_SIGNATURE folder on the Q: DRIVE. All completed signatures will be submitted to the client. If any of the signatures are selected for use, the selected designer will receive a cash payment of (at minimum) FIFTEEN DOLLARS. Should no signature be selected, no prize will be awarded.

GRADING: Due to the nature of this project and the intrinsic value that this learning process will present to students, this will not receive regular grading. This project will be graded as follows- STRONG EFFORT TO COMPLETE PROJECT TO CUSTOMER SPECIFICATIONS= 100 points. LITTLE EFFORT TO COMPLETE PROJECT TO CUSTOMER SPECIFICATIONS= 0 points. ANYTHING ELSE= 50 points.