"THREEDONIA"- Forming a Government, Research and Presentation Project

INTRODUCTION: Students will be using their knowledge of governmental and economic systems to write the history of a fictitious country named Threedonia (or possibly Onedonia or Twodonia!).  It is the job of the group to figure out how your governmental system MIGHT HAVE come to pass in your Threedonia.  Some of these combinations would be almost impossible to bring about and are bound to fail eventually.  Writing this history of success or failure is the puzzle of the project.

This is a RESEARCH and CRITICIAL THINKING PROJECT, designed to make students familiar with the specific functions of government and how those functions are managed by different forms of government and different economic systems. Students will be expected to supplement their current knowledge with additional RESEARCH into solutions to the problems of Threedonia.

BACKGROUND: There are THREE different countries to be considered, Onedonia, Twodonia and Threedonia. The background information for each country is linked below:


PART ONE, Planning and Write-up: As a small group, you will be planning and creating the history of a government in your Threedonia. Your group will be assigned a Threedonia Country and a government/economic system, as follows:


  • ONEDONIA Representative Democracy: Alexander/Brauher
  • TWODONIA Representative Democracy: Barber/Brannan
  • THREEDONIA Representative Democracy: Creaser/Kinnison
  • ONEDONIA Dictatorship: Dyer/Lester
  • TWODONIA Dictatorship: Veidemo/Hummer
  • THREEDONIA Fascist Dictatorship: Webb/Rouse
  • ONEDONIA: Absolute Monarchy: Stuehm/Valentine
  • TWODONIA: Constitutional Monarchy: Pruett/Perez
  • THREEDONIA: Theocracy: Kochevar/Hnizdil


  • ONEDONIA Representative Democracy: Coughlin/Riley
  • TWODONIA Representative Democracy: Dyer/Libsack
  • THREEDONIA Representative Democracy: Flores/Folchert
  • ONEDONIA Dictatorship: Garcia-Cordero/Holguin-Lopez
  • TWODONIA Dictatorship: Sampson/Jennings
  • THREEDONIA Fascist Dictatorship: Guzman/Sander
  • ONEDONIA: Absolute Monarchy: McMechan/Self
  • TWODONIA Constitutional Monarchy: Sampson/Jennings
  • THREEDONIA: Theocracy: Maag/Stewart
  • ONEDONIA Theocracy: Noah/Zimmer
  • THREEDONIA: Absolute Monarchy: Wolf/Taylor


  • ONEDONIA Representative Democracy: Belfrage/Bornhoft
  • THREEDONIA Representative Democracy: Blomgren/Rhoades
  • TWODONIA Dictatorship: Cobb/Maag
  • THREEDONIA Fascist Dictatorship: Sheets/West
  • THREEDONIA: Theocracy: Croy/Thompson

YOUR THREEDONIA HISTORY TIMELINE: You will first need to create a TIMELINE that covers all of the important historical events that lead up to your government taking control of your country, setting out laws and then either continuing to succeed or failing. Your TIMELINE will need to cover all of the information regarding the rise and fall of your government system in your country. The actual presentation piece for this part of the project is up to the group members, but should demonstrate CHRONOLOGICAL progress through the process of forming your government. You could create a written timeline, a poster, a Word document, whatever makes sense for your group.. The group will be responsible for coming up with all of the "color" of your history, such as the names of the leaders, the names of the parties, names of surrounding countries, etc. REMEMBER TO INCLUDE economic information, as well! You will also be responsible for coming up with a flag and party symbol.

YOUR THREEDONIA ECONOMIC SYSTEM: You will also be documenting the economic system that was incorporated into your government.  You will have to select from the following Market Systems (but remember, some economic systems are almost incompatible with some government systems!):

  • Communism (Command Economy)
  • Socialism (Planned Economy)
  • Capitalism (Market Economy)

THE QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR THREEDONIA: Your history should answer the following questions. Be sure to state the reasons you decided on a particular answer to these questions. This should be in a written, paragraph format. There should be well-thought out paragraphs for each question.

1. You have been assigned a form of government and a Threedonian country. Explain how you feel YOUR government form was beneficial to your Threedonia.  Your Threedonia will also experience a great deal of difficulty and problems when in power.  Explain these in detail, as well.

2. Explain how the leaders in your country came to power.  Your history needs to be consistent with not only your country brief, but also the form of government you have assigned. Please make sure to outline the system of government and how it will operate.  Who, if anyone, will vote? How many political parties will there be? Provide details for ONE of the political parties. Give it a name. Outline the platform (beliefs) of the party.

3. Your group will get to select the economic system that was implimented in your Threedonia.  Explain the economic system and how it was incorporated into your government system.  Explain how your government provided services to your Threedonia.  Explain what were the most successful economic areas focused on as your country government developed  (Raw materials?  Agriculture?   Industry and Manufacturing?  Service? Small business?) Why will that be best for the country?

4. Decide how law and order was maintained. Who/what body will make the laws? What if people break these laws? How will you address violence with different races/religions?

5. How did the government deal with the other countries? In other words, what foreign policy did the government pursue? How does your Threedonia deal with each of the neighboring countries? Trade relationships, economic embargoes (like with Cuba), diplomacy, etc.

6. To what domestic policies should the government give first priority? (population growth, poverty, religious freedom, tribal conflicts, etc?) HOW should the government address those problems? What kind of policies should it put in place? Why should the government give it first priority?

7. Is there a Bill of Rights for your country? If so, what would it look like?

8. What was the fate of your government?  In a number of cases, an attempted government might be completely impractical and doomed to failure.  Tell me how and if your government failed or prospered.

PART ONE GRADING: Part I (Historical TIMELINE and presentation piece, as well as Write-up) is worth 100 points, as follows:

  • Did you create a logical and believable HISTORY for your THREEDONIA? (20 pts.)
  • Did you address all EIGHT questions AND the problems of Threedonia? Answers must be explained thoroughly. (50 pts)
  • Did you approach the project in a professional manner and use all resources to address the problems of Threedonia? Your final plan should have a neat and professional appearance, complete with full sentences and paragraphs, proper grammar, and correct spelling, at least THREE TYPED PAGES in length. (30 pts)

PART TWO: Presentation

Each group will create a short (5-7 minute) visual presentation of YOUR Threedonia. You may choose to create a PowerPoint presentation or a Poster on butcher paper.

Your presentation will include the following:

  1. BRIEF BUT THOROUGH OUTLINES of your group's HISTORY and your answers to all 8 questions. DO NOT simply write your essay on a posterboard, or copy and paste information into a PowerPoint. Make it user friendly with bulleted points or graphic organizers that are easy to read and understand.
  2. Please design a flag for your country. Think about symbols that may be important to your country and include them.
  3. In your piece about the political party, please design a logo/symbol for your political party. Your logo should include an appropriate symbol for that party. (ex: Repbulicans= elephant)

PART TWO GRADING: (Project Presentation) is worth 100 points, as follows:

  • Did you clearly review your HISTORY and all EIGHT questions AND the problems of Threedonia? (35 pts)
  • Presentation is USER FRIENDLY, graphics and information clearly and logically laid out. Students do not merely read from their slides. (35 pts)
  • Presentation includes graphics for Threedonia Flag and political party symbols (I will have higher expectations for former Tech/Graphic students in their graphic work!). (15 pts)
  • All group members participate in the presentation, and exhibit an understanding about the content they are presenting. (15 pts)

PART THREE, Individual Essay: Each student will write an essay, at LEAST ONE FULL PAGEs TYPED (if not more), 4-5 paragraphs minimum, that answers the following questions:

  • What is the purpose and function of government?
  • Did your government fulfill the purpose and function of government? How/How not?
  • What were the strong points and weak points of the governmental and economic systems that your group outlined.
  • After your presentation and the feedback from the class, what things would you CHANGE about your Threedonia Governmental System?
  • What, specifically, did you LEARN during the process of creating your Threedonia?
  • How would you recommend the project be changed in the future TO IMPROVE THE LEARNING QUALITY OF THE PROJECT?

THREEDONIA- PART THREE GRADING: Your essay will be in complete sentences with proper grammar and clearly address the questions above, demonstrating knowledge of the terms being used, as well as the Governmental plan as developed by the group. (50 pts)

A NOTE REGARDING THIS WRITING: This is a reflective writing and will be graded at 20 percent of your final points on the THREEDONIA project.  Please take the time to properly answer all of the questions above.  Do not forget to spell and grammar check your work!  EVERYONE SHOULD GET A HIGH SCORE ON THIS PART OF THE PROJECT!